Page 122 - The Prosperous Way _ (APRIL 2024 v3)
P. 122


          to test Him in this and see if He will not “open the windows of heaven”
          and “rebuke the devourer” for our sakes (Malachi 3:10-11).  If you do not
          presently tithe, I encourage you to read the Scriptures for yourself and
          ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in this aspect of giving.

                          TAXES — RENDERING UNTO CAESAR

          A word on taxes: The Scriptures teach us to “Render unto Caesar the
          things  which  are  Caesar’s  and  unto  God  the  things  that  are  God’s”
          (Matthew 22:21; KJV).  Having given God your tithe, now it is time to
          give Caesar his due and “render” to the Government the taxes we owe.
          While it is perfectly fine to do what you can to lawfully lessen your tax
          liability, as Christians, we must be careful not to cheat on taxes that are
          rightfully to be paid. Work at fully understanding your tax system so that
          you can take advantage of every possible tax break to which you are
          legally entitled.  But be careful not to step over the legal lines into tax
          evasion,  or  to  engage  in  dishonest  practices  that  may  affect  your
          testimony as a Christian.

                        Disposable Income (Net of Tax and Tithe)

          Once the tax and tithe are taken care of, what is left is your disposable
          income. This is the income that you can save, or you can spend—the
          choice  is  yours.    I  break  this  category  into  saving  for  tomorrow  and
          spending for today. Here is how I allocate disposable income between
          tomorrow and today.


          Just as night follows day, tomorrow will surely come, whether we are
          prepared for it or not.  How you handle your earnings today to take care
          of your tomorrows will ultimately determine your ability to prosper over
          time, i.e., over the long haul, not just in the now.

          Saving is by far the most difficult part of any budget to implement, but
          this is perhaps the most critical element of good financial management.
          Remember the virtuous wife from Proverbs 31:16?  “She considers a field
          and buys it. From her earnings, she plants a vineyard.” Where did she
          get the money to invest  in  purchasing a vineyard?  From  her  savings!

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