Page 124 - The Prosperous Way _ (APRIL 2024 v3)
P. 124


          'than in the category of housing. To avoid the house poor syndrome so
          prevalent today, I strongly believe that ideally only 30% (but if necessary
          40%) of disposable income should be spent on housing. Therefore, with
          20% allocated for “Tomorrow,” and 30-40% allocated to housing, that
          leaves 40-50% of disposable income to “live on” today.

          I  am  not  by  any  means  saying  that  there  is  anything  wrong  with
          wanting a comfortable and beautiful home.  I do and I am sure so do
          you.  This is especially true if you have children that need room for crafts
          and  play.  But  the  key  is  being  contented  with  such  things  as  we
          presently have, or more correctly, as we can presently afford! So, we
          pray  and  ask God  to bring  us  the  most beautiful  home that  we  can
          possibly afford now within our present means .  As God’s favour and the
          work of our hands bring increase, there will come a time when we are
          able to afford the dream home that we have already built a hundred
          times over in our minds.

          So, one of the first things that we should ask if we find ourselves deeply
          in debt is this: Am I living in a home that is quite simply beyond my
          present means?  Examine your heart and ask yourself honestly whether
          the place in which you live has become to you a burden that you really
          cannot afford but don’t know how to relinquish.  Depending on the
          answer, you may have to tackle the situation head on and begin to make
          some difficult, but necessary, adjustments.

          You may have to take a step of faith and search for a job with better pay
          although it may be outside of your “comfort zone.” Or you may choose
          to pray and believe God that He can give you supernatural favour to
          find a place that you will be proud to call home, but which you can
          genuinely  afford.  Then  put  your  faith  into  action  and  launch  your
          search. It is possible that a more affordable alternative can’t be found in
          your  current  neighbourhood,  and  you  may  decide to  move  into the
          suburbs and accept a longer commute.  Or you may begin to look for a
          job in another location where housing is more affordable. Perhaps you
          will  decide  to  share  an  apartment  with  friends  or  supplement  your
          income by renting out a room in your home to an individual or family
          member that you can trust and live easily with. Or perhaps you will give
          up your car and take public transit until your income catches up (as one
          friend of mine has done). None of these changes are easy. But be guided
          by the Scripture:

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