Page 129 - The Prosperous Way _ (APRIL 2024 v3)
P. 129


                              LOOKING DOWN THE ROAD

          The bottom line is that any financial plan must begin with a means of
          controlling cash flow, and that’s simply what a budget is.  As mentioned
          at the beginning of this chapter, the above 4-Ts principles of budgeting
          and cash flow management are just an example of one approach—the
          approach  that  I  have  created  for  myself.    However,  it  may  not  be
          something that you think would work for you.  Again, the important
          thing is that you find a system that works for you. You can, through
          research and personal preference, devise your own system of effectively
          monitoring  and  managing  your  money.  Only  when  you  have  your
          spending under control can you begin to save, invest and start to make
          real progress on your journey to prosperity.


          Earlier,  we  defined  prosperity  as  abundance  or  having  “more  than
          enough.”  And we learned as well that having more than enough is for
          a purpose; it is to help us to do God’s work here on earth. Our common
          goal is, at the end of the day, to be found good stewards of that with
          which God has blessed us.

          The principle of stewardship recognizes that all our resources come from
          God and are to be used in accordance with His principles and purposes.
          Therefore, we strive to manage the resources that God has entrusted to
          each of us in a responsible manner, as one accountable for a property
          that is not his own. Ultimately, we all want to hear God say, “Well done,
          good and faithful servant. You have been faithful with a few things; I
          will put you in charge of many things.  Come share in your Master’s
          happiness” (Matthew 25:23).

          Therefore, let us be faithful in the small things; our day-to-day spending
          habits, the monitoring and management of our finances, our decisions
          as to how to save and invest, and how much to give from our increase.
          Then we can expect God to reward us with even greater things; with
          both material and spiritual abundance in this life, and when we have
          reached  our  journey’s  end,  with  the  true  riches  of  our  eternal
          inheritance in the life to come.

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