Page 133 - The Prosperous Way _ (APRIL 2024 v3)
P. 133



            n  Chapter  9,  we  looked  at  the  issue  of  management  of  time  and
            energy,  and  in  Chapter  13,  we  looked  at  an  example  of  how  to
            budget. In this chapter, I will share worksheets and forms that I use
          to track and manage my own time and money. As previously noted,
          these are only offered as examples. In fact, most people would consider
          my approach to budgeting and time management to be far too detailed.
          However, it works well with me because of how my mind works.  Also,
          I use Microsoft Excel which for some is pretty ancient technology as most
          people would prefer to track time and money using an app. Everyone
          must decide what methods and tools work best for them, because these
          must become daily habits that you will implement over the long haul
          and which will shape your life. So you have to be comfortable with what
          you choose.

                                  MANAGING MONEY

          In  the  last  chapter,  we  discussed  in  detail  my  personal  4-Ts  budget
          system.  I  used  a  simple  budget  sample  to  illustrate  these  principles.
          However, on the following pages, I have set out a budget form for a
          more complex situation.

          In this case, disposable income after tax and tithe is allocated as follows:
          20%  saving  and  insurance;  30%  housing  and  50%  general  living,
          personal expenses and giving. In addition to the budget form, there is
          also a budget tracker for keeping track of where your money is actually

          The budget form and tracker may be more detailed than others might
          like, and is also done in an Excel spreadsheet, whereas some may prefer
          to use an app or other tool. Each person must search out systems that
          they are comfortable using over the long haul so that they can easily
          become habitual for you personally.

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