Page 138 - The Prosperous Way _ (APRIL 2024 v3)
P. 138


           TODAY'S WELL DONE:

          I  update  my  timesheet  as  I  move  through  the  day.    This  keeps  me
          focused.  When the task is interesting, an hour or more may go by before
          I update my timesheet.  I update my timesheet more frequently when
          the task is difficult or laborious (like reading through a dense, technical
          document). At the end of a block of work, I give myself a mental high-
          five to recognize the achievement of pushing through a challenging
          task.  At the end of each day, I celebrate by making a note of something
          that was “well done!” that day.

          I  also  use  my  timesheet  to  track  my  productivity  and  to  tame  time-
          wasting. I give myself a mental “pat on the back” for a day well-spent. In
          my line of work, overtime is common, but if the day is spent productively,
          that serves to reduce time working outside of office hours. Therefore, I
          am mindful of being distracted by personal calls, or time spent too long
          on an errand, or folks ambling by for “watercooler” conversations. I find
          it  helpful  to  manage  connections  with  colleagues  by  proactively
          planning coffee or lunch breaks to catch up and chat.

          I try to balance my time between focused work and being responsive to
          clients and colleagues.  Timely responses to email and chat messages are
          important since, at the time of writing, these are the primary means of
          communication at work. However, to have a successful day, it is also
          important to block time for focused work.  I usually block time at the
          beginning of the day, during the traditional “lunch hour” and at the end
          of the day, because in my organization those are the times that have less
          email “traffic”.

          Breaking up the workday between collaboration and blocks of focused
          time also helps to manage mental fatigue. Movement breaks to sustain
          energy and focus are also good. Although not in any way typical of my
          workday (no two days are alike) here is an example of what a planned
          workday might look like.

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