Page 140 - The Prosperous Way _ (APRIL 2024 v3)
P. 140


           EVENING: … And the evening and the morning were the first day; Genesis 1:5
           5:30 – 6:30   Evening commute (or exercise time if working from home)
           6:30 – 7:30   Dinner/ family/social time
           7:30 – 8:30    Chores / prepare for next day
           8:30 – 9:30   Personal time
           9:30 – 10:30  Wind down / get ready for bed


           5:30 – 6:30   Get up / Quiet time
           7:30 – 8:30   Morning commute (or personal business if working from home)

          If  you  are  not  a  “morning  person”,  your  schedule  might  be  more
          weighted towards the evening so you might so to sleep later at night
          and wake up later in the morning. And if you have young children or
          work the night shift, your schedule will look very different. But whether
          you allocate your time differently between morning, night and evening
          isn’t important as long as adequate sleep, nutrition and exercise become
          regular habits of life. Because ultimately what you are looking for is not
          really a  method  of  managing  your time,  but  managing  your  energy.
          There is no one-size-fits-all schedule or tool for achieving that goal, so
          you may have to try out different approaches. The only right one is the
          one that’s right for you.

                           “And God called the light Day
                        And the darkness he called Night.

             And the evening and the morning were the first day”
                                    (Genesis 1:5)

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