Page 145 - The Prosperous Way _ (APRIL 2024 v3)
P. 145


          Toward the end of the first century, the Apostle John wrote a letter to
          his dear friend Gaius which begins like this:

          “To the beloved Gaius, whom I love in truth:  Beloved, I pray that you
          may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.” (3
          John 3:1-2)

          These opening words have echoed throughout history, reminding us
          that true  success  is  multifaceted:  To succeed in all  things  implies  not
          simply  to  prosper  financially,  but  also  to  prosper  physically  and
          emotionally. Much has been learnt, particularly in recent years, about
          how to improve one's physical health; not only via medical innovations,
          but also through sleep, diet, and exercise. The internet is awash with
          podcasts  on  each  of  these  subjects.  However,  many  people  are  still
          unsure about what it means for your soul to prosper.  I am referring here
          to one’s mental and emotional well-being.


          Throughout  our  journey  so  far,  I  have  addressed  a  few  factors  that
          contribute  to  the  soul’s  well-being;  such  as  being  content,  living  a
          balanced life, and finding favour with people around us.  But now I want
          to shift our attention to one specific area that greatly benefits our soul,
          which is our connections, particularly our friendships. Not everyone will
          marry  or  have  children,  but  everyone  can  enjoy  the  blessing  of
          friendship. And I've discovered that building solid friendships provide a
          wealth of benefits in marriage, parenting, the workplace, church, and
          other areas of our lives.

          A recent experience brilliantly highlights the importance of friendship in
          fostering emotional well-being. A friend who I hadn't seen in a long time
          invited me to join her for a cup of tea after work. My friend lives on the
          way home from work, about halfway between the train station and my
          house. I happily accepted.  When I arrived, I was amazed and delighted
          by the delicious supper that my friend had prepared. She had set the
          table with beautiful linen and china.  In  addition to a great supper,  she

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