Page 147 - The Prosperous Way _ (APRIL 2024 v3)
P. 147


          All of this is to suggest that, as we travel through life, we must remember
          that those with whom we share the journey are an important element
          of true prosperity.  Along the road, we will travel with family and friends,
          coworkers and customers, employees and employers, members of our
          local church, and so on. How we connect with individuals around us
          has a tremendous impact on our quality of life and personal well-being.

                       FINDING A FRIEND AND BEING A FRIEND

          So, what does it take to build relationships that enrich and enhance our
          lives, particularly with respect to friendship?  Let's start with a simple
          definition of friendship. A friend, according to Merriam-Webster's online
          dictionary,  is  someone  with  whom  we  share  mutual  affection  and
          esteem. To have affection for someone implies that you like them; you
          enjoy their conversation and find their company pleasant.  As simple as
          it may sound, when looking for a possible friend, consider the people
          you currently know and enjoy being around. Similarly, there are people
          you respect and like, such as coworkers, who could become friends.

          The  Bible  teaches  that  liking  or  esteeming  a  person  is  not  the  only
          criteria for selecting a friend.  Proverbs 12:26 states that "The righteous
          choose their friends carefully, but the way of the wicked leads them
          astray." Friends chosen for "political" or "socially advantageous" motives,
          for example, are frequently not actual friends and are unreachable in
          times of crisis.

          So, how does a "righteous" person "choose" their friends? The Scriptures
          provide valuable insights into the qualities to look for when choosing a
          friend. Similarly, as we offer our friendship to people whom we like and
          respect, these are the qualities that we should seek to cultivate in ourself
          in order to be a true friend.

                                  BECOMING FRIENDS

          The Book of Proverbs mainly deals with human nature and relationships.
          What  better  place  to  begin  then  than  Proverbs,  as  we  explore  the
          attributes we should cultivate  in ourselves  and  look  for in
          others as we seek to form lasting friendships.  Here are some key verses
          from Proverbs to get us started.

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