Page 13 - The Prosperous Way _ (APRIL 2024 v3)
P. 13


              or many of us, our strategy for creating wealth begins and ends
              with the fervent prayer, “Bless me, Lord.” Many Christians typically
              pray and then wait, becoming increasingly perplexed with each
          passing  year  of  debt,  and  of  just  barely  getting  by.  Some  eventually
          conclude  that  it  is  not  the  will  of  God  that  they  should  be  blessed
          financially.    Others  become  disillusioned  with  “prosperity  preaching”
          and conclude it’s all a hoax, false doctrine, a deception.

          Yet,  the  Bible  consistently  demonstrates  that  there  is  a  blessing  of
          prosperity for those who follow God’s Word: The Scriptures tell us that
          the Lord will grant us abundant prosperity if we obey Him and follow
          His commands (Deuteronomy 28:2). Why then do we pray and wait,
          year after year, for financial abundance that seems to never come?

          Perhaps  the  answer  to  this  question  is  to  be  found  in  the  Lord’s
          unexpected direction to Moses as Israel stood petrified at the edge of
          the Red Sea, sandwiched between its impassable waters and Pharaoh’s
          murderous  army:  “Why  are  you  crying  out  to  me?”  the  Lord  said  to
          Moses, “Tell the Israelites to move on” (Exodus 14:15).  Perhaps, as with
          Moses, God has already provided in His Word a way, a way that leads to
          prosperity; and as we stand immobilized and overwhelmed by our own
          financial  Red  Seas,  and  as  we  continue  to  cry  out,  “Lord  bless  me,
          prosper me!” perhaps God is saying to us; “There it is, I’ve already shown
          you the way. Stop crying out to me and move on!”

          This book has two purposes: (1) To help people to understand what the
          Bible actually says about wealth and prosperity, and (2) to show people
          how to obtain the prosperity that the Bible promises. The book is divided
          into 4 parts:

                 Part  1  explains  what  the  Bible  says  about  prosperity  and
                  defines Biblical prosperity
                 Part 2 examines the internal qualities that will position a person
                  to prosper financially
                 Part 3 describes the external steps to take in order to prosper
                 Part 4 is about how to manage your resources so that your
                  wealth grows and remains

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