Page 14 - The Prosperous Way _ (APRIL 2024 v3)
P. 14


          When I set out to write this book, it was with one simple purpose in
          mind:  To  find  out  for  myself  the  truth  about  how  the  Bible  views
          prosperity. I studied and wrote primarily to provide a guide from the
          Word for my own journey. My exploration of the Scriptures has left me
          with no doubt that God’s heart is to prosper us—but we must do it God’s
          way.  I have seen His hand in my own life as I have sought in some
          measure to follow the Biblical principles that I discovered as I explored
          the Scriptures.  It is my prayer that these same Scriptures will work their
          power in your heart, as they have in mine, and illuminate the way that
          God has already prepared for your feet to travel.

          I  believe  that  a  journey  taken  with  others  is  the  most  satisfying  and
          rewarding. So, I have added a section at the end of each chapter called
          Think it Over and Talk it Through. Here you will find questions that you
          can use to talk through the principles discussed in that chapter with your
          small group from church, your family or with your friends—anyone that
          you choose to take this journey with. Or you can take the journey alone
          and use this section to reflect, journal and strategize. But whether with
          others or alone, if you have found yourself waiting by your own Red Sea
          for far too long, I invite you to join me on a new journey … a way that
          leads to prosperity.

                          “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet
                             And a light unto my path.”
                                  (Psalms 119:105)

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