Page 18 - The Prosperous Way _ (APRIL 2024 v3)
P. 18


          Therefore, a rough translation of this compound word is “to travel a
          good road,” or “to make good progress.”  Similarly, ‘tsalach’ (the word
          most frequently translated as ‘to prosper’ in the Old Testament) usually
          expresses the idea of a successful outcome or venture.

          Here  are  some  illustrations  of  how  these  words  are  used
          interchangeably in  different  translations  of  the  Bible.    (Note:  In  each
          Scripture quoted below, the main passage is taken from the King James
          Version, with the wording from The New International Version being in

               And he said unto me, “The Lord before whom I walk, will send
                 his angel with thee, and prosper thy way;  and thou shalt take a

                 wife  for  my son  of my kindred.  [He replied, ‘The Lord, before
                 whom I have walked, will send his angel with you and make your
                 journey a success so that you can get a wife for my son from my
                 own clan and from my father’s family]. (Genesis 24:40)

               Because the Lord was with Joseph, and that which he did the
                 Lord made it to prosper . [Because the Lord was with Joseph and
                 gave him success in whatever he did]. (Genesis 39:23)

               I, even I have spoken, yea, I have called him: I have brought him,
                 and he shall make his way prosperous  . [I, even I, have spoken;
                 yes, I have spoken. I have called him, and I will bring him, and he
                 will succeed in his mission]. (Isaiah 48:15)

               Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be
                 in health, even as thy soul prospereth. [Dear friend, I pray that
                 you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you
                 even as your soul is getting along well]. (3 John 1:2)

          We  can  therefore  conclude  that  one  clear  meaning  of  the  word
          ‘prosper’ in the Bible is to successfully accomplish the things that you set
          out  to  do.  It  means  to  progressively  achieve  the  desired  result  or  to
          obtain an anticipated and successful outcome.  In the truest meaning of
          the word, therefore, prosperity is in fact a journey.  It is a good road set
          before us to travel because it is a road that leads to success.

          We know, however, that to be successful at some things will make us
          materially wealthy, and to succeed at others will not. After all, it is just as

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