Page 19 - The Prosperous Way _ (APRIL 2024 v3)
P. 19


          possible to be a successful homemaker, or student, or volunteer lobbyist
          as it is possible to be a successful Wall Street broker.  But only one of
          those things will make us wealthy.

          So, you might then ask the question, what does the Bible say about
          material wealth?  We agree that prosperity means to have good success
          in the work of our hands, and this is something that we all desire. But is
          this all that there is to the promise of prosperity found in the Bible?  We
          will see in the following chapter that it is not.

                   “The Lord will grant you abundant prosperity
              in the fruit of your womb, the young of your livestock,
                           and the crops of your ground…
            The Lord will open the heavens, the storehouse of his bounty,
            to send you rain on your land in season, and to bless all the
                                 work of your hands.”
                               (Deuteronomy 28:11-12)

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