Page 26 - The Prosperous Way _ (APRIL 2024 v3)
P. 26


          of His covenant with Abraham  as recorded in Genesis 12:2-3. In this
          covenant, God promised that, through Abraham, all the nations of the
          earth would be blessed.

                 “And I will make you into a great nation,
                 And I will bless you,
                 And make your name great;
                 And you shall be a blessing;
                 ….And  in  you  all  the  families  of  the  earth  will  be  blessed.”
                 (Genesis 12:2-3)

          This covenant has been fulfilled in Jesus, as Galatians 3:8 tells us that
          “Scripture  foresaw  that  God  would  justify  the  Gentiles  by  faith  and
          announced  the  gospel  in  advance  to  Abraham:  ‘All  nations  will  be
          blessed through you.’” Therefore, as we take the message of salvation
          and reconciliation with God that comes through faith in Jesus Christ to
          all peoples of the earth, we fulfil God’s promise that through Abraham’s
          lineage all the earth is blessed.  This is accomplished by giving to meet
          the  needs  of  our  local  church  and  supporting  missionary  work  to
          establish God's kingdom throughout the earth.

          This is not of course to say that we should not also enjoy the fruit of our
          work. Ecclesiastes 5:19 tells us that “when God gives a man wealth and
          possessions, and enables him to enjoy them, to accept his lot and be
          happy in his work, this is a gift from God.” In a similar vein, 1 Timothy
          instructs those who are rich in this present age “not to be conceited and
          not to put their hope in the uncertainty of wealth, but in God, who richly
          provides all things for us to enjoy .” So, clearly God gives us wealth to
          bless us. However, the point is that His blessing was never intended for
          us only.
                                    IN CONCLUSION

          What then can we say in summary? Prosperity certainly means to make
          good progress and to have good success in the things that we set our
          hands  to  do.  No  doubt  about  it,  God  wants  us  to  prosper  and  be
          successful in this way.  But it is also clear that, throughout the Bible, God
          has  also  blessed  His  faithful  servants with abundant  wealth,  and the
          Bible is replete with references to material sufficiency being a gift from
          God.  We see this illustrated in the lives of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David,
          Solomon, Jabez, Job and many more.

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