Page 29 - The Prosperous Way _ (APRIL 2024 v3)
P. 29


                      CAN YOU BE TOO RICH?

            n  Luke  12:15-21,  as  the  crowds  gathered  around  Jesus,  a  man
            stepped forward with a complaint against his brother. He asks Jesus
            to tell his brother to share the inheritance from their parents with him.
          Jesus,  knowing  the  intent  of  this  man’s  heart,  responds  with  this
          warning:  "Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed;  life
          does not consist in an abundance of possessions” (Luke 12:15).  Two
          words in this passage are key to understanding the significance of this
          warning: “Life” and “Greed.”

                              TRUE LIFE AND TRUE RICHES

          Let’s begin with the word “Life.” Throughout the New Testament, three
          different Greek words are used for life. The first is “psychēn”, meaning to
          be  physically  alive.  An  example  of  this  is  when  Jesus  asked  the
          synagogue leaders in Mark 3:4: "Which is lawful on the Sabbath: to do
          good or to do evil; to save life or to kill?" The second word for life is “bios”,
          meaning the course or period of one’s life. This is the word used in Paul’s
          instruction to pray for those in authority “that we may live peaceful and
          quiet lives“ (1 Timothy 2:2).

          And then, there is “Zoe” life, which is our spiritual life: Jesus tells us that
          He came that we may have this kind of life—this Zoe life—and have it
          abundantly (John 10:10).  It is this Zoe life that Jesus was referring to
          when He warned the dissatisfied brother that “life does not consist in an
          abundance of possessions.” So even if you have an over-abundance of
          material wealth, this is not what life is truly all about for the Christian.

          To look more closely at the word Zoe, it carries the sense of a life filled
          with an abundance of spiritual possessions both in this present life and
          the life to come. Galatians 5:22-23 tells us that life in the Spirit is marked
          by  love,  joy,  peace,  patience,  kindness,  goodness,  faithfulness,
          gentleness and self-control. Consider the beauty of such a life on earth!
          And ultimately, what can compare to the joy and hope of eternal life
          with God?   The things that seem to satisfy all the desires of our body
          and soul (the finest of food, the most expensive clothing or the most
          extravagantly luxurious home) cannot give true life in this sense.

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