Page 34 - The Prosperous Way _ (APRIL 2024 v3)
P. 34


          word  “haploús.”  It  literally  means  “without  folds”  or  “single.”  The
          opposite  to  this  word  is  “diplous,”  which  means  "double."    If  we  are
          double-visioned  (because  our  focus  is  divided  between  God  and
          money),  we  will  end  up  in  spiritual  darkness.  Secondly,  we  must
          deliberately choose our master: Whenever there is a conflict between
          serving God and making money, we must make the conscious decision
          to serve God first. Otherwise,  over time, we will become enslaved to
          money. In short, we must keep our eyes on the [heavenly] prize and
          remain focused on serving God and putting Him first.

                          IS IT RIGHT TO ENJOY OUR WEALTH?

          While accumulating material wealth should never be the central focus
          and goal of our lives, it remains true that God is pleased to bless us with
          material abundance.  But I believe He will bless us only to the extent that
          we are able to carry the weight of that blessing, so that our hearts do
          not become proud or divided—devoted to our riches rather than to God.

          From the Scriptures that we explored in the previous chapter, it is clear
          that God provides material abundance as a means of blessing us. We
          see this blessing evidenced in the lives of the patriarchs: like Abraham,
          Isaac, Jacob, David and Solomon. And in the Old Testament, God led
          the Israelites to the Promised Land; a bountiful land, overflowing with
          milk and honey. Also, 1 Timothy 6:17 expressly states that God “richly
          provides all things  for us to ENJOY .”  However, God’s will for us is always
          that we should trust and put our hope in Him, not in our wealth.

                 “Instruct  those  who  are  rich  in  this  present  age  not  to  be
                 conceited and not to put their hope in the uncertainty of wealth,
                 but in God, who richly provides all things for us to enjoy . Instruct
                 them to do good, to be rich in good works, and to be generous
                 and  ready  to  share, treasuring  up  for  themselves  a  firm
                 foundation for the future so that they may take hold of that
                 which is truly life .” (1 Timothy 6:17-19; BSB)

          I do not believe that it is God’s will that we should have an abundance
          of  material  riches  at  any  point  in  our  journey  if  pursuing  wealth
          compromises our ability to receive and hold to spiritual riches. I believe
          that God expects us to exercise restraint so that, in our quest for material
          wealth, we never lose focus on Him. So, we trust in the Lord, who alone
          is our sure foundation, and not in uncertain riches.

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