Page 39 - The Prosperous Way _ (APRIL 2024 v3)
P. 39



            n the last chapter, we saw that in the journey of prosperity, perhaps
            more than in any other walk of life, we need to carefully guard our
            hearts. Consequently, at the outset, the first thing that we must do is
          deal with the hidden attitudes of our hearts.

          Therefore, in this chapter, we will explore certain key concepts from the
          Scriptures that are foundational to preparing the heart for the blessing
          of prosperity. Very little commentary has been added to the Scriptures
          quoted here because my prayer is that, as we meditate on the Word of
          God, the Word itself will do its own transforming work; moulding and
          changing the attitudes of our heart.

          This meditation on the Word will also solidify some of the principles that
          we considered in Part 1. So, let’s go slowly and read each heart condition
          a few times through, taking time to soak your heart in the life-giving
          Word of God.

            “Serve him with wholehearted devotion and a willing mind,
                           for the Lord searches every heart
                and understands every motive behind the thoughts.”
                                  (1 Chronicles 28:9)

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