Page 42 - The Prosperous Way _ (APRIL 2024 v3)
P. 42


                               A HEART WITHOUT GREED

          Greed—the  insatiable  desire  for  more  and  more—is  what  the  Bible
          repeatedly warns against.  The pursuit of wealth can lead us down a
          road  of  ever-increasing  desire  for material  possessions. Yes,  money is
          necessary for every aspect of our lives: After all, the Scriptures tell us that
          “a feast is made for laughter, and wine makes life merry, but money is
          the answer for everything” (Ecclesiastes 10:19). So, money is a blessing
          from God, not just because of the things that it can buy for our own
          pleasure, but also because it is an effective tool to assist us in achieving
          our life’s purpose.  But we must keep watch over our motives for desiring
          money.  If  we  are  not  vigilant, instead  of  serving  us,  money,  and the
          things  that  money  can  buy,  can  consume  our lives  and become  the
          master that we serve.

               He who loves money     never has enough; whoever loves wealth
                 is  never satisfied  with  his  income.  This  too  is  meaningless.  As
                 goods  increase  so  too  do  those  who  consume  them.
                 (Ecclesiastes 5:10&11)

               For the love of money  is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people,
                 eager  for  money,  have  wandered  from  the  faith  and  pierced
                 themselves with many griefs. (1 Timothy 6:10)

               Keep your life free from the love of money  and be content with
                 such things as you have. (Hebrews 13:5)

               Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; “a man’s
                 life does not consist of the abundance of his possessions.“
                 (Luke 12:14)

                     “You shall not covet your neighbour’s house.
           You shall not covet your neighbour’s wife, or his manservant,
                     or his maid servant, his ox, or his donkey,
                    or anything that belongs to your neighbour.”
                                    (Exodus 20:17)

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