Page 41 - The Prosperous Way _ (APRIL 2024 v3)
P. 41


                        OBEDIENCE—A HEART THAT FEARS GOD

          God does promise prosperity. However, the promise is for those WHO
          ARE OBEDIENT TO HIS WORD .  Because, beyond everything and anything,
          God  wants  us  to be  in  right  standing  with  him.  Remember,  to  God,
          obedience is more important than any other sacrifice we can offer (1
          Samuel  15:22).  Our  first  passion  and  focus  must  be  God—on
          understanding and walking in obedience to His Word. It is as we walk
          in the ways of the Lord that He will fulfil His promise of blessing.

               Blessed is the man who fears the Lord  , who finds great delight
                 in his commands… Wealth and riches are in his house.
                 (Psalm 112:1&3)

               All these blessings will come upon you and overtake you if you
                 obey the Lord your God . (Deuteronomy 28:2-13)

               Blessed are those who fear the Lord,  who walk in his ways.  You
                 will eat the fruit of your labour, blessings and prosperity will be
                 yours.  (Psalm 128:1-2)

               Do not let the Book of the law depart from your mouth ; Meditate
                 on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do  everything
                 written  in  it.    Then  you  will  be  prosperous  and  successful.
                 (Joshua 1:8)

               But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives
                 freedom,  and  continues  to  do  it,  not  forgetting  what  he  has
                 heard, but doing it, will be blessed in what he does.  (James 1:25)

               If  they  obey  and  serve  Him,  they  will  spend  their  days  in
                 prosperity and their years in pleasures . (Job 36:11)

            “Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter.
                       Fear God and keep his commandments,
                          for this is the whole duty of man.”

                                 (Ecclesiastes 12:13)

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