Page 76 - The Prosperous Way _ (APRIL 2024 v3)
P. 76


          love, just as David and Moses did as we saw in the last chapter. Because
          we trust His love and faithfulness, we can believe in the trustworthiness
          of the promise-maker.

          Finally, faith means believing that the promise-maker has the power to
          perform the promise. We trust that He is Almighty God, and, therefore,
          has  the  power  to  accomplish  what  He  has  promised.    When  we
          understand these things, we come to realize that faith is essentially a
          conviction that, because God has said it, and because of His faithfulness
          and His power, what God has said will come to pass. This is what it
          means to have faith in God.

                               FAITH COMES BY HEARING

          Romans 10:17 tells us that “faith comes by hearing and hearing through
          the Word of Christ.” Faith in the promises of God similarly comes from
          the act of hearing those promises spoken over our lives. As we have just
          seen, God makes promises to all believers in the Word.  We learn from
          Hebrews 4:11 that the Word of God is an active, powerful and living
          force.  This living Word carries within itself a seed of life which, when
          planted within the heart of the hearer, has the power to transform that
          heart  and  bring  forth  faith.    The  Word  actually  carries  within  it  an
          inherent power to birth faith in the heart.  Thus, Jesus tells us “The words
          that I have spoken are spirit and they are  life” (John 6:61).

          Therefore, if we want faith to be built up in our hearts, it is vital that we
          position  ourselves  where  the  Spirit-filled,  life-giving  Word  of  God  is
          flowing. The Word comes to us primarily through our daily Bible reading
          when, as we read, the Holy Spirit “lifes” a particular passage and it speaks
          directly into our situation. But the Word can also impregnate our spirit
          with faith through a Bible-believing church where the Word of God is
          consistently preached, or by fellowshipping with people of faith who
          will speak the hope of God’s Word into your life, or by listening to online
          sermons from a trustworthy minister of the Gospel. The word can come
          from our own lips as we meditate upon Scriptures that we have “hidden
          in our heart” (Psalm 119:11). The Scriptures that you have stored up in
          your memory can accurately address a current situation that you are
          going through, and when you repeat these Scriptures to yourself, they
          will cause faith to come alive in your heart.  So, like King David, you can
          encourage your own self in the Lord (Psalm 42:5) by studying His Word.

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