Page 75 - The Prosperous Way _ (APRIL 2024 v3)
P. 75


                        THE POWER OF FAITH

              aith, and particularly the prayer of faith, is key to good success.  It is
              our faith that God responds to when He moves on our behalf. In
              fact, the Bible tells us that it is impossible to please God without
          having  faith  (Hebrews  11:6).  Therefore,  this  journey  of  prosperity  is
          really a journey of faith.
                                    FAITH DEFINED

          Hebrews 11:1 defines faith as “the substance of things hoped for and
          the evidence of things not seen.” For anyone to have a sane belief that
          they have received something yet unseen (i.e., to have faith) requires
          three things.  First, you must have been promised the thing that you
          expect  to  receive.    Secondly,  you  must  have  confidence  in  the
          trustworthiness of the promise-maker.  Thirdly, you must believe that the
          promise-maker has the power to make good on the promise. For just as
          it is pointless to hope for something that you have not been promised,
          similarly it is futile to hope in someone you do not trust or believe is able
          to carry out the promise.

          So, first, we must have an understanding of the promises that God has
          made. God speaks to us continually through His Word, and we have
          seen through the Scriptures that we have studied so far that God’s heart
          is to prosper us. Even in a time of trial, God’s ultimate plan is still for our
          well-being, which includes our peace and prosperity. In Jeremiah 29:11,
          the Lord makes this declaration to the Israelites as they are taken captive
          to Babylon. “I know the plans I have for you,” says the LORD. “They are
          plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.”
          Therefore, we know God’s promises are for our good, and they are not
          secrets that are hidden from us.

          Secondly, we must understand that God is faithful to His Word.  When
          God makes a promise, we can trust Him to perform it.   The Scriptures
          tell us that “God is not a man that he should lie, nor a son of man that
          he  should  change  his  mind.    Does  he  speak  and  not  act?  Does  he
          promise and not fulfill?”  (Numbers 23:19—20).  Similarly, in Psalm 89:34,
          God tells us, “My covenant I will not break, nor alter the word that has
          gone out of my lips.” Moreover, we can trust God when we understand
          His ways.  He has revealed His goodness in His Word so we can trust His

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