Page 70 - The Prosperous Way _ (APRIL 2024 v3)
P. 70


          that  He  has  brought  the  nation  through  to  their  children  and  their
          children’s children (Joshua 4:4-7). In this way, they learned to trust in
          God, that He would deliver them again and again.

          It is the same way that trust is built in us today.  Daily, we all experience
          God’s hand over our lives that bring us victory, small and great.  Daily
          He speaks to us to give us faith. So, we must begin to rehearse in our
          minds  and declare with our lips , the victories that He has brought us
          through  before.  And  so,  like  David  and  Joshua,  we  enCOURAGE
          ourselves  in  the  Lord.    It  is  by  “the  word  of  our  testimony”  that  we
          overcome, and that we will find the strength and courage to succeed
          (Revelation 12:11).

                        A DECLARATION OF TRUST & COURAGE

          So then, we must cultivate the habit of declaring, speaking forth and
          affirming to ourselves and others the faithfulness of God.  When I came
          to  live  in  Canada  as  an  immigrant  in  a  new  and  strange  culture,  it
          seemed as if there were immense giants in the land. The only thing that
          sustained me, and propelled me to the first stage of success, was the
          words of faith, trust and courage that I recited from the Scriptures.  I
          gathered from the Word the following declarations to remind myself of
          the  faithfulness  of  God.    As  I  made  my  way  in  an  unknown  land,  I
          returned to these words, again and again, on the bus, at home, before
          an interview, in applying for a job—so as to enCOURAGE my spirit with
          the promises of a gracious, good and faithful God:

                 The Lord my God, who is going before me, will fight for me as
                 He  did  for  me  in  ...  [FILL  IN  YOUR  OWN  PLACE  OF  PAST
                 TRIUMPHS] before my very eyes.  There I saw how the Lord my
                 God carried me, as a father carries his son, all the way I went until
                 I came to this place. (Deuteronomy1:29)

                 The Lord my God has gone ahead of me on my way, to search
                 out places for me to camp, and to show me the way I should go
                 (Deuteronomy  1:32).  The  land  to  which  I  have  come  is
                 exceedingly good (Numbers 14:7).  See the Lord has given me
                 the land. I will go up and possess it. (Joshua 1:9)

                 I  reject  the  report  that  the  people  here  are  of  great  size  and
                 stronger than I.  I do not perceive myself as a grasshopper in my

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