Page 67 - The Prosperous Way _ (APRIL 2024 v3)
P. 67


          the power, protection and provision of their God.  So why did the others
          falter and their hearts faint in the face of their fears?  Similarly, what was
          it that separated David from his peers who stood quaking before the
          Philistine giant?

          The answer lies in this; unlike the others (Deuteronomy 1:32), Joshua,
          Caleb and David all trusted  God. They not only knew that God could
          deliver them, but they also knew, with a deep and unfaltering trust, that
          He would .  If we are to have the courage to succeed, we too need to
          have that same trust ingrained and embedded in our souls.  We need to
          know in the deepest part of our being that God is for us, and He will not
          fail us nor will He forsake us.

                              A FORMAL INTRODUCTION

          Trusting God begins with knowing who God really is.  In Psalm 103:7,

          the  Scriptures  tell  us  that  God  “made  known  his  ways to  Moses,  his
          deeds to the children of Israel.”  The Children of Israel could only see
          what God did, but they had no understanding of who He was. They
          saw  His  acts,  but  without  understanding  His  ways,  they  could  only
          perceive Him as a great and terrible God, arbitrary and unpredictable in
          the exercise of His awesome power. Many of us also understand the
          power of God, the Almighty God. But the question is this, do we really
          trust Him to move in power on our behalf?  Do we know His ways?

          Let me introduce you by name to the God whom Joshua and David
          knew and trusted, as He revealed  Himself to Moses, so that you can
          know and trust Him too.

                 Then Moses said, “Show me your glory.” …. Then the Lord came
                 down in a cloud and stood there with him and proclaiming his
                 name, the Lord.  And he passed in front of Moses, proclaiming,
                 GOD,  SLOW  TO  ANGER,  ABOUNDING  IN  LOVE  AND
                 FORGIVING WICKEDNESS, REBELLION AND SIN” (Exodus 33:18
                 & 34:5-7).

          In  His  own  words,  God  has  described  Himself  as  compassionate,
          gracious, merciful, patient, long-suffering,  loving, faithful, and forgiving.
          TAKE HIM AT HIS WORD.  This is the God whom, like David, Joshua and

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