Page 65 - The Prosperous Way _ (APRIL 2024 v3)
P. 65


                  THE COURAGE TO SUCCEED

               icture in your mind, David, a slender youth of 16 or 17—too small
               to  fit  into  a  soldier’s  armour—standing  fearlessly  before  a  foul-
               mouthed, nine-foot giant, whose threats had reduced the armies
          of Israel to a cowering mass of terror (1 Samuel 17:11).  Picture Joshua
          and  Caleb,  overcome  with  excitement  at  the  vast  potential  of  the
          Promised  Land,  delivering  a  report  of  a  land  flowing  with  milk  and
          honey, while the other ten Hebrew spies tell of a land of giants before
          whom they are no more than grasshoppers (Numbers 3:33). David killed
          Goliath,  and  Joshua  took  the  land.  The  choice  between  fear  and
          courage was for them the difference between failure and success.

                                  GIANTS IN THE LAND

          In Joshua Chapter 1, as Israel stands at the door of the Promised Land,
          and God prepares Joshua to lead Israel in, He repeatedly demands two
          things of Joshua—strength and courage.  Four times, He gives Joshua
          this stern command: “Be strong and courageous … Be strong and very
          courageous” (vs. 7 & 8). “Be strong and courageous” (vs. 9). “Only be
          strong and courageous!” (vs. 18).

          Why  did  God  have  to  repeatedly  charge  Joshua  to  be  strong  and
          courageous? Because faith must be accompanied by action if we are to
          succeed. Faith is what we need in order to appropriate, or accept as
          ours, the promises of God. But as is said in James 2:20, “Faith without
          deeds is useless.” James continues by describing Abraham’s faith: “Was
          not our father Abraham considered righteous for what he did when he
          offered his son Isaac on the altar? You see that his faith and his actions
          were working together, and his faith was made complete by what he
          did.” So, faith must be accompanied by action. And it takes courage to
          act—to launch out into the unknown, the untried, the untested—to make
          those dreams a reality.

          When opportunity knocks at our door, why do we fail to grasp it, and
          therefore we “miss” God? We have prayed that God will prosper us, yet
          when the chance comes our way, we pull back. Why do we fear failure,
          or second guess the direction in which we believe God is taking us when

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