Page 69 - The Prosperous Way _ (APRIL 2024 v3)
P. 69


          Scripture in Isaiah 48:18: “If   only   you   had   paid  attention  to   My
          commands, your peace would have been like a river, your well-being
          like the waves of the sea.”

          As we obey Him, we come to perceive His hand on our lives: That He
          directs us, and delivers us, and provides for us, and protects us, again
          and again, day after day.  It is by positioning ourselves where we can
          hear God, then being obedient to His instruction and His guidance, and
          seeing the result of our obedience, that we learn to trust.

          Slowly then, as we continue to walk in obedience, the revelation begins
          to deepen within us that the God whom we serve is truly a loving and
          faithful God. He is as He says He is—compassionate, gracious, merciful,
          patient, loving, faithful, and forgiving.  It is by walking in obedience to
          His Word that we come to know God’s ways.

                               WRITE IT AS A MEMORIAL

          Trust  and  courage  are  the  outcomes  of  obedience.  But  trust  and
          courage also come from remembering   .  Listen to what David tells King
          Saul as he prepares to fight Goliath:

               “Your servant was tending his father’s sheep.  When a lion or a
               bear came and took a lamb from the flock, I went out after him
               and attacked him and rescued it from his mouth. The Lord who
               delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the
               bear will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine”  (1 Samuel

          As David recites his past victories to Saul, he re-affirms that God, having
          delivered him in the past from the perils of the wilderness, would also
          deliver him from Goliath’s hand.  Thus, David enCOURAGED himself in
          the Lord.

          Similarly, listen to what God tells Moses to do after Joshua had defeated
          the Amalekites in battle: “Write this in a book as a memorial  and recite it
          to Joshua , that I will utterly blot out the memory of Amalek from under
          heaven”  (Exodus  17:14).  These  words  being  constantly  rehearsed  in
          Joshua’s hearing laid the foundation of trust and courage in Joshua’s
          heart.  This  is  why,  all  throughout  the  Old  Testament,  we  see  God
          instructing the Israelites to make a  memorial  and  to recite the victories

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