Page 68 - The Prosperous Way _ (APRIL 2024 v3)
P. 68


          Moses,  we  also  serve.    He  has  introduced  Himself  by  His  name  and
          revealed His character so that we too can know who He is, understand
          His ways, and learn why we can trust Him.

                             THE BACKSIDE OF THE DESERT

          Trust comes from the personal experience of someone’s character as
          they  relate  to  us.  Trust  comes  from  relationship.  Do  you  know  how
          David, Moses and Joshua came to know and trust God in the way that
          they  did?   It  was  not  among  the  bustling  camp of  the  Israelites that
          Joshua learned to trust God. It was not in Pharaoh’s great palace that
          Moses learned to trust God. It was not from within the crowded ranks
          of King Saul’s army that David learned to trust God. These men came to
          know God in the aloneness of their wilderness experience.

          David, like Moses, encountered God on the backside of the desert, in the
          isolation of his shepherd's watch (1 Samuel 17: 28 & 34-36); and Joshua
          came to know God far outside the camp of the Israelites at the “tent of
          meeting” where he continually waited alone in the place where God
          dwelled.  The  other  Israelites  worshipped  from  afar,  within  the
          congregation of the camp, but the Scriptures tell us that Joshua never
          departed  from  the  tent  of  meeting  (Exodus  33:11).    He  sought  God
          where he was to be met in person, in isolation and aloneness, where
          the cloud of His presence rested.

          For us too, an intimate knowledge of who God is will not be found in
          the  corporate  assembling  of  the  church,  although  certainly,  we  will
          experience His presence there.  But intimacy is really only found in our
          own personal experience of God:  It is as we seek after Him (in times of
          private prayer, in the study of His Word, and in personal worship) that
          He slowly begins to reveal Himself to us.  It is here that He first begins to
          speak to us, and we learn to recognize His voice. We start to respond
          and step out in obedience to that voice, one tiny step at a time, first in
          small things than in great.  It is only as we obey that God can begin to
          bless us.

          Sometimes we learn to obey His voice through the wisdom of hindsight.
          When we have not    obeyed God and we see the result of our inaction,
          sometimes quite disastrous results, we learn to trust His voice when next
          He speaks. We learn that it is our own disobedience that has blocked His
          plans to bless us. And  we  learn  for  ourselves   the   meaning   of   the

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