Page 63 - The Prosperous Way _ (APRIL 2024 v3)
P. 63


          So then, we must keep firmly in mind that God gives each one of us the
          abilities that we need to create wealth.  Be persistent in seeking out both
          the  understanding  of  your  natural  abilities  and  the  revelation  of  the
          opportunities that will help you transform those abilities into wealth-
          creating activities.

          Once you have identified your gifts, begin to take some practical steps
          to put those gifts into action:  Perhaps you can start setting aside a small
          amount each payday from the income that you currently earn to re-train
          in the area of your interest. Or perhaps, in your current work, you can
          volunteer to take on projects that develop and spot-light your natural
          talents.  Or perhaps you can take short online courses that build your
          skills over time.  Or use an hour of your leisure time each day to start
          your  dream  business.    As  you  navigate  this  leg  of  your  journey,  be
          confident in the knowledge that God has put in you something of value
          that will prosper you, and that He will instruct and guide you in the way
          He has chosen for you.

                  “I am the Lord your God, who teaches you to profit,
                     who leads you by the way you should go.”
                                (Isaiah 48:17 (NKJV))

                 “So, I saw that there was nothing better for a man
                   than to enjoy his work, because that is his lot.”
                                  (Ecclesiastes 3:22)

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