Page 59 - The Prosperous Way _ (APRIL 2024 v3)
P. 59



               he ability to create wealth comes from God. The Scriptures speak
               of this creative power in Deuteronomy 8:18: “But remember the
               Lord  your  God,  for  it  is  He  that  gives  you  the  ability  to  make
          wealth .”  This means that it is God who equips us with the gifts, talents
          and ideas by which we can create wealth. A God-given power to make
          wealth resides within each and every one of us.

          Consider the following account from the Old Testament of two special
          men whom God filled with very specific gifts and talents:

             See, the Lord has  chosen  Bezalel...and  he  has  filled  him  with the
             Spirit  of  God,  with  skill,  ability  and  knowledge  in  all  kinds  of
             crafts ...And he has given both him and Oholiab the ability to teach

             others HE has filled them with the skill to do all kinds of work as
             craftsmen , designers, embroiderers...and weavers, all of them master
             craftsmen . (Exodus 35:31–35)

          These two men and their team of skilled artisans built (with unparalleled
          artistry, and to exact specifications) the Tabernacle and the Ark of the
          Covenant in which God chose to dwell among the Israelites. It was God
          who placed within these men the gifts and talents to work with their
          hands. At some point in their lives, these men discovered in themselves
          the natural abilities that God had placed within and began to work at
          honing and developing their God-given talents.  Then, when it was time
          to change the face of human history by the indwelling of God among
          men, they  were  ready to build a temple  fitting to be God’s  dwelling

          I believe that, like Bezalel and Oholiab, God has given each of us specific
          gifts and talents.  When God opens an avenue for us to create wealth, it
          may be by a revelation or an opportunity that on our own we would
          never have thought of or found out.  But one thing is certain, it will not
          be in an area that runs contrary to our interests and abilities .  There is
          something that God has placed within each of us, some natural talent
          or propensity, which will enable us to create wealth.

          We will not find full satisfaction or complete success in the work that we
          do until we begin to tap into these God-given abilities.

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