Page 55 - The Prosperous Way _ (APRIL 2024 v3)
P. 55


          The word that’s translated here as “mixed” is used in the New Testament
          in this parable alone and is found nowhere else in the entire Bible. In
          Greek,  the  word  means  to  bury  or  to  hide  something  within.  It  also
          means  to  be  concealed  in  something  or  to  mingle  one  thing  with
          another.  Thayer’s Bible dictionary says that this word describes how the
          Kingdom  of God  grows  and  spreads through the  entire  world “with
          unstoppable influence”. It is when Christians are mixed into society that
          they influence and change the world around them.

          Individually, every Christian plays a role in impacting the world around
          us with the Kingdom of God. It might be by giving to meet the needs of
          others,  or  by  bringing  peace  into  a  conflict-ridden  situation,  or  by
          infusing joy where there is despair, or by simply having the courage to
          choose right instead of wrong.  Whatever our role or title may be in life,
          our true earthly position is that of ambassador for the Kingdom of God.
          From this standpoint, therefore, as ambassadors of the Kingdom, we
          begin to perceive how valuable we are in God’s plan, and how precious
          we are to those that He has placed in our lives.

          However, this is not something that comes from striving, because God
          tells us in His Word that it is as we contemplate the Lord’s glory, that we
          are transformed by the Spirit into the mirror image or reflection of what
          we see (2 Corinthians 3:18). We become more and more like Jesus by
          remaining consistently in the Word of God, by lingering in His presence
          in worship, by asking for His forgiveness and mercy when we fall, and
          ultimately by resting in His grace.  One definition of grace is God’s own
          divine influence on the heart and its reflection in the life of the believer;
          displayed by a graciousness of manner (Strong’s Concordance of the
          Bible #5485). So, we are enabled to live out the Kingdom of God only
          by His grace.

          When we begin to see ourselves as uniquely created by God, fearfully
          and wonderfully made, we don’t see our differentness as a flaw but as
          a gift to be celebrated and embraced. When we understand who we
          are in God, and how much He loves us, our strength and confidence
          begin to grow. And when we perceive our value to the world around
          us  as  ambassadors  of  God’s  Kingdom,  we  no  longer  focus  on  our
          limitations  and  our  failings.    Instead,  we  see  our  lives  as  filled  with
          meaning, purpose and value.

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