Page 51 - The Prosperous Way _ (APRIL 2024 v3)
P. 51



               here is another most secret place to which we must travel as we
               embark on this way to prosperity: It is the place where our self-
               perception resides.  The Bible teaches that it is what we think in
          our hearts, not what we say out aloud, that displays who we really are:
          “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he” (Proverbs 23:7; KJV). The Bible
          also tells us to guard our hearts, because the condition of our heart can
          determine the course of our life: “Above all else, guard your heart, for
          everything  you  do  flows  from  it”  (Proverbs  4:23).  It  is  especially
          important for us to guard how we perceive ourselves in the secret places
          of our heart, because what we think about ourselves can shape who we
          become, and what we believe we can accomplish can limit what we
          achieve. Therefore, our self-perception can significantly impact how well
          we prosper in life.

          So then, how do you perceive yourself?  Do you see yourself as talented
          and  competent,  able  to  meet  and  surpass  the  expectations  of  those
          around you? If you are truly honest with yourself, do you really believe
          deep within that you have what it takes to succeed?

          For  many  of  us,  our  life  experiences  have  ingrained  deep  fears,
          misperceptions, and insecurities into our soul about who we are and
          what  we  can  achieve.  Deep  within  our  minds  are  arguments  and
          reasonings that oppose the truth of who we are and the potential we
          have to become  We turn away from God’s promise of abundant life and
          become captive to fear, doubt and an inability to believe in the talents
          and competencies that God has placed within us.

          Stop for a moment and listen to the things that you think about when
          you think about yourself!  Does your thought pattern go something like
          this: “I don’t know what’s wrong with me? I just can’t seem to do this.
          Everybody else is doing so much better than me.  I could never do that;
          I am not good enough; I’m not smart enough….” Etc., etc...? How about
          the things that you say about yourself when you talk about your life to
          your friends? The Bible tells us that “out of an abundance of the heart,
          the  mouth  speaks.”  (Matthew  12:24).  Does  your  speech  sound
          something   like   this?  “I  am  really  having  a  tough  time.  Nothing   is
          going right. I just can’t cope with this situation...” and so forth and so on.

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