Page 48 - The Prosperous Way _ (APRIL 2024 v3)
P. 48


                                    IN CONCLUSION

          As our hearts begin to change and to line up with the Word of God,
          something happens to our definition of wealth. It too begins to change:
          Over  and  above  financial  success,  prosperity  comes  to  mean  an
          abundance of peace and purpose.  It is an ability to rest quietly and
          confidently in God, to be content in your present circumstances.  It is the
          fulfilment  of  the  prayer  in  3  John  1:  “Beloved,  I  pray  that  you  may
          prosper and be in good health, even as your soul prospers.” This kind of
          prosperity of the soul involves the spirit, mind, and emotions, not just
          physical wealth. It connotes a full and abundant life. This then is what it
          truly means to prosper.

                             “Do not conform any longer
                              to the pattern of this world
                 but be transformed by the renewing of your mind
                      Then you will be able to test and approve
                                  what is God’s will:

                         His good, pleasing and perfect will.”
                                    (Romans 12:2)

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