Page 53 - The Prosperous Way _ (APRIL 2024 v3)
P. 53


          created each with purpose and destiny.  Until we recognize the value of
          who we are, exactly the way we are made, we will battle with issues of
          self-esteem. God created you as you are, and the “you” that He created
          is  of  infinite  worth  to  Him.  Therefore,  like  the  psalmist,  you  can
          confidently  say:  “I  praise  you  because  I  am  fearfully and  wonderfully
          made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well” (Psalm 39:14).

          Here is a suggestion if you struggle in this area. Each morning as you
          stand before your bathroom mirror, look yourself in the eye and remind
          yourself,  out  loud,  of  who  God  made  you  to  be.  You  might  say
          something  like:  “I  am  fearfully  and  wonderfully  made.  God  knit  me
          together in my mother’s womb, He pre-determined the purpose and
          destiny for which He created me, even before I was born.  He equipped
          me with everything I need to live the life He created me for.  Today I will
          take one more step towards embracing the unique individual who God
          made  me  to  be.    Yes,  I  am  fearfully  and  wonderfully  made .”    Then,
          throughout the day when the cacophony of self-doubt rises up within
          you, still the clamour of your thoughts with just this gentle reminder:
          “No, I am not ____. I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”

                              MEDITATIONS IN THE WORD

          It is by meditating on God’s Word and asking the Holy Spirit to bring
          these words to life within us, that we begin the paradigm shift within
          our minds that moves us from the realm of poverty to prosperity of the
          soul. The Hebrew words translated “meditate” in the Old Testament are
          “hagah” and “syach.”  These words mean more than just to read the
          Word.  They also mean to murmur, ponder, mutter, speak, talk, converse
          with oneself (and hence aloud) to commune and to declare.

          So, as you read the Scriptures, meditate  on them in this manner: Confess
          the  Word  over  yourself  by  putting  your  name  in  the  Scripture.  And
          when Satan, the enemy of your soul, seeks to bombard your mind with
          self-doubt and self-deprecation, cancel his lies and accusations with the
          truth of the Word.

          Throughout the Bible are many beautiful Scriptures that describe how
          God actually sees us and how valuable we are to Him.  Here are a few
          such Scriptures that you can meditate on in this way; ponder  on  them,

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