Page 60 - The Prosperous Way _ (APRIL 2024 v3)
P. 60


          The Scriptures tell us at Ecclesiastes 5:19 that when a man is able to be
          happy in his work, this is a gift from God.  It is when we begin to work
          with the natural abilities that we will truly find fulfilment and success in
          the things that we set our hands to do. This is beautifully illustrated in
          Proverbs 31 where the wife of noble character who is described in that
          poem  eagerly  selects  flax  and  wool  “and  works  with  her  hands  in
          delight” (Proverbs 31:13; NASB). She then sells the garments and sashes
          that she makes to the merchants, and we are told that her trading is
          profitable (Proverbs 31:18).  If we follow our talents and natural God-
          given abilities, we will not only find joy in our work, but I believe this will
          also lead us along a way to prosperity and toward fulfilling our destiny.

                             DISCOVERING YOUR TALENTS

          So then, do you know what gifts God has given you?  Can you think of
          things  that  you do so naturally  that  you  hardly consider  them to be
          talents? Is it a facility with figures and facts? Is it writing or speaking well?
          Are  you  skilled  with  your  hands?  Are  you  naturally  curious  and
          inventive? What have people consistently told you over the years that
          you excel at?  What do you enjoy doing?  What ignites your passion and
          captivates  your  interest?  What  skills  do  you  flow  fluently  in?  Just  as
          important, do you know your personality type, and what work is best or
          least suited to your temperament? In short, do you know who you truly,
          uniquely are?

          In  the  previous  chapter,  we  talked  about  the  fact  that  each  of  us  is
          “fearfully and wonderfully made.”  Now it’s time to unearth the unique
          creation that is you.  So, pray and ask God to take you on a journey of
          self-discovery as you seek to find answers to these questions, and to
          identify your natural talents and abilities. Ask God to give you ideas and
          revelation, and to open doors of opportunity to enable you to effectively
          use your gifts, skills, and talents.

          It may be that no immediate answers come in response to these prayers
          and questions.  Be patient and persevere in this journey of self-discovery.
          And even when answers come, there may seem to be no easy way to
          chart a new course, to seek out work or create wealth with the gifts that
          are in you.  So, you will need to be patient and persevere in praying and
          in seeking open doors.  Believe that as you trust God with all your heart,
          and acknowledge Him in this, He will direct the course of the prosperous
          way beneath your feet (Proverbs 3:5).

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