Page 86 - The Prosperous Way _ (APRIL 2024 v3)
P. 86


          We also need to plan short breaks in our workday to rest the body and
          mind (and this applies whether our work is physical or mental).   Here
          we  are  talking  not  just  about  time  management,  but  about  self-

          How to manage our time is the subject of many books and courses. A
          detailed review is obviously well beyond our present scope. It is enough
          to say that it is well worth the time (no pun intended) to pursue an
          understanding of how to manage time well. A tool that I use is set out
          in Chapter 14. But the key is to build systems into our lives that work for
          us and that we can consistently apply on a daily basis. A successful life is
          one in which time is well spent.

                            FAVOUR WITH GOD AND MAN

          Ultimately,  we  find  favour  with  earthly  kings  through  knowing  and
          serving the King of Kings, the Lord Jesus.  Proverbs 21:1 reminds us that
          “the  king’s  heart  is  in  the  hands  of  the  Lord.  He  directs  it  like  a
          watercourse wherever he pleases.”  And in Psalm 75:6-7, we learn that
          promotion does not come from man, for “no one from the east or the
          west or from the desert can exalt a man.  But it is God who judges. He
          brings one down, and he exalts another.” Therefore, whereas we seek
          to do our part in managing our relationships, our skills and our time well,
          ultimately, we obtain favour with earthly kings as we petition the Lord’s
          in prayer and as we live lives that please Him.

          When we focus on what pleases God it also puts an end to our stress
          and striving for the approval of man. The Scriptures tell us to seek first
          the Kingdom of God (Matthew 6:33) and that the Kingdom of God is
          righteousness,  peace  and  joy  in  the  Holy  Spirit  (Romans  14:17).
          Furthermore, “anyone who serves Christ in this way is both pleasing to
          God  and  approved  by  men”  (Romans  14:18).  As  we  walk  in  the
          righteousness,  peace  and  joy  that  comes  from  communion  with  the
          Holy Spirit, it is not just pleasing to God but it also wins the approval of
          man. There is a quality in the constancy of joy and peace that comes
          from the Holy Spirit which will always be attractive to those around us.
          So, the result of pleasing God is that we also find favour with man. And
          those  who  walk  in  integrity  and  right  conduct  also  obtain  honour.
          Walking in this way is only possible by staying close to the Holy Spirit as
          we engage in prayer, worship and reading the Word.

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