Page 91 - The Prosperous Way _ (APRIL 2024 v3)
P. 91


                        WALKING IN WISDOM

                   hatever field of endeavour we determine to walk in, we will
                   need day  to  day  wisdom  to  guide us  if we are  to succeed.
                   Good decisions go hand in hand with good success, and good
          decisions are only achieved through wisdom and understanding. This is
          why the Scriptures urge: “Get wisdom, though it costs you all you have,
          get understanding.” (Proverbs 4:7)


          From Proverbs 8:18, we learn that riches, honour, enduring wealth and
          prosperity come from wisdom.  In addition, the Bible teaches that there
          are many other benefits to gaining wisdom and understanding: Those
          who find wisdom and understanding enjoy long lives, paths of peace,
          ways of pleasantness, happiness, safety, and even sweet sleep at night
          (Proverbs  2  to  4).  Therefore,  wisdom  and  understanding  are  the
          foundation not only of material prosperity but also of prosperity in the
          fullest and truest sense of the word. This is why so many passages in
          Proverbs  and  other  Scriptures  (such  as  Job  28)  extoll  the  value  of
          wisdom and understanding as being far greater than gold or silver or
          precious jewels. What then is wisdom? And what is understanding?

                                   WHAT IS WISDOM?

          According to Proverbs 2:9, wisdom is the ability to determine what is
          “right, the fair and just—every good path .”   That means knowing in a
          given  situation;  (a)  What  is the  ethically  correct thing  to do  (what is
          right), (b) how to decide a controversy between persons, for example to
          determine who is accountable or responsible (what is just), and (c) how
          to arrive at an equitable arrangement that settles the matter (what is
          fair). When we know these three things, we can determine the best way
          to proceed (every good path). Wisdom is following that good path.

          The New Testament expands on this by describing heavenly or godly
          wisdom, as follows:

                 But the wisdom from above is first of all pure. It is also peace
                 loving, gentle at all times, and willing to yield to others. It is full
                 of mercy and the fruit of  good deeds.  It  shows  no  favouritism

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