Page 92 - The Prosperous Way _ (APRIL 2024 v3)
P. 92


                 and is always sincere. And those who are peacemakers will plant
                 seeds of peace and reap a harvest of righteousness. (James 3:17-
                 18; NLT)

          This Scripture teaches that heavenly wisdom is first and foremost pure.
          That  means  that  heavenly  wisdom  is  not  motivated  by  any  hidden
          agendas  (such  as  envy  or  selfishness  or  self-promotion).  Heavenly
          wisdom is peace loving, as its objective is always to bring a peaceful
          resolution to a situation. Wisdom from God is also gentle, in the sense
          of  being  considerate  rather  than  overly  strict  or  harsh.  This  kind  of
          wisdom does not hold to the strict letter of the law but instead follows
          the spirit of the law, by seeking what is equitable and fair. Heavenly
          wisdom is not stubborn or wilful but is willing to hear the other side and
          is open to being persuaded.  Finally, heavenly wisdom is merciful, does
          not  show  favouritism,  and  is  heartfelt  and  sincere.  And  heavenly
          wisdom yields good fruit—a harvest of peace and righteousness.

          In James 3:14-16, we see the contrast with earthly wisdom. This is the
          kind  of  cunning  wisdom  that  it  is  motivated  by  selfish  ambition  and
          jealousy, which often results in the truth being covered up by boasting
          or lying. Unlike heavenly wisdom, the result is discord and disorder. In
          fact, James 3:15 calls this kind of wisdom demonic.

          We can turn to these Scriptures to guide us when we face a situation
          where we need to act with godly wisdom. First, we check our motives:
          are they pure or is there a hidden agenda? Will the planned action bring
          a peaceful resolution to a situation?  Are we willing to hear the other
          side? Are we looking for an equitable solution or a harsh and strict one?
          Is the contemplated action right or is it unethical? Will it result in a just
          outcome  between  the  persons  involved?  Are  we  being  impartial  or
          showing favouritism? Are we being merciful? Asking these questions
          will keep us on the path of godly wisdom.

                              WHAT IS UNDERSTANDING?

          Understanding has a somewhat different meaning from wisdom, in that
          it refers to the ability to properly comprehend a matter.  In a general
          sense, it means being aware of human nature and having a good grasp
          of how life works. It can also mean having intelligence or knowledge
          regarding a specific matter,  such  as  the  industry  or  the  company  in

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