Page 96 - The Prosperous Way _ (APRIL 2024 v3)
P. 96


                 for our present situation.  So even if we have messed up in the
                 past, we can still go to God and ask Him to give us wisdom for
                 the situations we face each new day. James 1:5 tells us that.

                      If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who
                        gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be
                        given to him. (James 1:5)

                                A PRAYER FOR WISDOM

          Since we know that wisdom and understanding come through prayer,
          below  is  a  prayer  and  confession  combined,  which  is  based  on  the
          Word, for our meditation.  Our prayers do not have to be lengthy like
          this one; a simple “please help God” is sometimes all we have time for.
          But  regularly  meditating  on  this  prayer  will  reinforce  that  God  gives
          wisdom liberally if we simply ask.

                 Lord, I ask You for wisdom today, with an unwavering certainty
                 that my God, who gives wisdom generously and without finding
                 fault, will give me wisdom in every situation that I encounter
                 (James 1:5-6). I thank you, Lord that you will instruct me and
                 teach me in the way that I should go.  I thank you that you will
                 counsel me and watch over me, that you will guide me with your
                 eye (Psalm 32:8). I believe your word that whether I turn to the
                 right or to the left, I will hear your voice behind my ear saying,
                 “This is the way, walk in it” (Isaiah 30:21).

                 I  pray  that  all  my  steps  today  will  be  directed  by  you,  Lord
                 (Proverbs 20:24), and that your Holy Spirit will counsel me and
                 lead me into all truth (John 14:26).

                 You  said,  Lord  Jesus,  that  the  people  of  this  world  are  more
                 shrewd in dealing with their own kind than are the people of the
                 light (Luke 16:8).  But I know Lord that your commandments,
                 Lord, your word that I have hidden in my heart, will make me
                 wiser than my enemies (Psalm 119:98). Therefore, as I travel in
                 this world, as a sheep among wolves, I pray that I will be as
                 innocent as a dove but as shrewd as a snake (Matthew 10:16).

                 Lord, your word says that I will be able to refute every tongue
                 that accuses me in judgement (Isaiah 54:17).   So, I ask you, Lord,

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