Page 101 - The Prosperous Way _ (APRIL 2024 v3)
P. 101



          As we pray and ask God for open doors, and to give us opportunities
          and strategies to make wealth, we know that God will respond to our
          prayers.  However, how are we to be certain that we have in fact heard
          God?  How are we to ensure that we do not miss God’s direction when
          He speaks? First, we can be assured that our God speaks. He speaks in
          many different ways.  He may speak to one person in dreams. He may
          speak to another by bringing alive a passage of Scripture while reading
          the Word.  To some, He may reveal His will as a compelling urgency to
          act;  to  others  as  a  gentle,  persistent  nudge,  a  tugging  on  the  heart.
          Sometimes He leads us through seemingly chance encounters, or by a
          series of coincidences, and we know—this could only be God.

          We will each, over time, become acquainted with the ways that God
          speaks to us. Initially, we may learn through “trial and error”; when we
          realize in hindsight that we have “missed” what God was saying. But we
          will learn! Jesus tells us that His sheep know His voice, and a stranger’s
          voice they will not follow (John 10:4-5). Be confident that we will each
          learn to recognize our Master’s voice. But even when we have learned
          how God speaks to us, there will be times when we are uncertain that
          we have heard Him in a particular situation. Here are some steps that
          we can take when this happens:

               Check it against the Scriptures. If what you are contemplating
                 isn’t consistent with the Bible (e.g. it is dishonest), then it’s not
                 God’s  will.  (Psalm  37:23  -  The  steps  of  a  righteous  man  are
                 ordered by God) .

               When reading the Bible, expect Holy Spirit  to speak and give
                 direction through the Scriptures that seem to “jump out” to you.
                 (Psalm 119:105: Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto
                 my path).

               Set  some  time  aside  for  worship,  prayer  and  fasting  over  the
                 matter.  (In  Acts  13:2-3,  while  the  church  was  fasting  and
                 worshipping,  the  Holy  Spirit  guided  them  to  call  Paul  and
                 Barnabas into ministry).

               Watch for confirmation of what you believe God is saying to you:
                 It may be confirmed by what others say to you or in what seems

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