Page 106 - The Prosperous Way _ (APRIL 2024 v3)
P. 106



          Unless we are prepared to work diligently, we will not succeed.  We can
          ask God to bless the work of our hands, but we cannot ask Him to get
          the work done for us. However, in today’s world with all its competing
          demands,  it  is  often  not  sufficient  to  work  hard—we  must  also  work

          As we have seen in Chapter 10, the first key to working effectively is
          managing our time well and working with focus and energy within the
          time allotted for work.  Time is our most precious and also our most
          limited resource.  We must ration our time so that it is expended on
          doing the things that yield the best results, in keeping with our goals. To
          harness time and lead it where we will, is perhaps the hardest skill we
          will ever have to learn. But how wise we are in using our time and how
          focused we are in our work are critical to building successful lives.

          The  second  key  to  working  effectively  is  finding  work  that  you  are
          naturally good at doing and then developing competence in our work,
          as we discussed in Chapter 6. We grow in competence by honing our
          talents and skills so as to build a reservoir of knowledge about our craft
          that  is  readily  available  to  quickly  and  effectively  meet  the  needs  of
          others. Working with our talents is also the secret sauce in maintaining
          focus, energy and enthusiasm as we work.

                                   FOR MEDITATION

               Lazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth;
                 Hard  work  brings  a  profit,  but  mere  talk  leads  to  poverty.
                 (Proverbs 10:4 & 4:23)

               Whatever your hands find to do, do it with all your might.
                 (Ecclesiastes 9:10)

               Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for
                 the Lord, not for men. (Colossians 3:23)

               A sluggard does not sow in season, so at harvest time he looks
                 and finds nothing. (Proverbs 20:4)

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