Page 104 - The Prosperous Way _ (APRIL 2024 v3)
P. 104


                        STEP 4 — RECORDING: WRITE THE VISION

          Prosperity  is  a  journey  that  oftentimes  requires  tenacity  and
          perseverance.  It is seldom an overnight deal. God gives us this strategy
          by which to remain focused as we journey—He tells us to write the vision
          that He has given us and keep it visibly before our eyes. “Write the vision”
          God instructs Habakkuk, “and make it plain on tablet, that he may run
          who reads it!” (Habakkuk 2:2).  Committing the vision to writing is a
          powerful tool for success, because when we keep a written reminder of
          our objective before us, we remain focused and single-minded, always
          moving towards achieving our goals.   Writing the vision also inspires
          those who we are seeking to come alongside us and run the race with
          us. This is why a successful venture usually starts with a business plan
          and a website. Clarity of vision is an essential key to success.

              Then the Lord replied: “Write down the revelation and make it plain
              on tablets so that he may run who reads it . For the revelation awaits
              an appointed time, it speaks of the end, and will not prove false.
              Though it linger, wait for it; it will surely come …” (Habakkuk 2:2-3)

             “Write this in a book as a memorial  and recite it to Joshua , that I will
             utterly blot out the memory of Amalek from under heaven”
             (Exodus 17:14)

                         “Let your eyes look directly forward
                        and your gaze be straight before you
                             Ponder the path of your feet,
                           then all you ways will be sure.”
                              (Proverbs 4:25-26 (ESV))

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