Page 362 - Reason To Sing by Kelita Haverland
P. 362
Reason To Sing
10. How did secrecy play a huge role in the trauma of the
author’s life?
And do you feel there is ever benefit or a good reason to keep
“big” secrets? Especially from a child?
11. What value do you think exposing all the “dirty laundry” of
her life will have for the author?
What value does it have for the reader?
12. What is the greatest value for you in reading memoirs that
are raw and brutally honest?
Do you prefer memoirs that are raw and brutally honest or
perhaps something juicy but less blunt?
13. How did faith play a role in Kelita’s life and what are your
Did Kelita’s ‘journey of faith’ resonate with you, especially
if you are a non-religious person? Do you think that a
non-believer can still find value in the author’s theological