Page 105 - Reclaim YOUR DIGITAL GOLD (with DesignLayout Dec3) (Clickable) (Dexxi-FLIP-Audio)_Neat
P. 105
Chapter Seven
hatsocial media photo of youlooking a little rough
after a night out may make you laugh,but it could
Tmake it much more difficult for you to get a job in
the financial and governmental services as governments
and businesses are increasingly assessing youbased on
your social media behavior.
Businesses and governments are also increasingly using
social scoring systems to assess the trustworthiness
of consumers and others who have access to their
services. Credit rating scores, which assist to evaluate a
person’s ability to repay debt and are already having an
influence on people’sability to access financial services,
are comparable to this notion. Furthermore,as a society,
we are beginning to judge one another based on our
online profiles, the digital image we project and the
digital footprint we leavebehind.
Imagine for a moment that every action you take, every
interaction you have, and every movement you make