Page 107 - Reclaim YOUR DIGITAL GOLD (with DesignLayout Dec3) (Clickable) (Dexxi-FLIP-Audio)_Neat
P. 107
methods for determining the fees that should be charged
for coverage.
There are technical solutions that enable proprietors
of businesses such as restaurants to compile
“blacklists” of individuals who are not permitted to
enter their establishments due to previous instances
of inappropriate behavior. Services that are part of the
sharing economy, such as Airbnb, Uber and similar taxi
services, and delivery services, all use some kind of
scoring system to evaluatethe people who participate in
the service from a variety of perspectives.
The basic idea behind implementing a social rating
systemonanationalscaleis not particularlycomplicated:
each individual citizen begins with a given score, and
certain behaviors can either bring your score down or
raise it higher. As an illustration, making a contribution
to charity would raise your score, whereas purchasing
cigarettes would bring it down. Therating of anindividual
can then determine whether or not they receive a reward
or a punitive result. Potentially if a person’s score falls
below a certain threshold, for instance, the government
may place restrictions on their ability to travel, prevent
them from enrolling in the most prestigious universities,
or evenremove a pet from their care.
The majority of the rating systems that are in use
today are constructed using massive amounts of
historical data and machine learning models that make
predictions about the future actions and outcomes of