Page 21 - Reclaim YOUR DIGITAL GOLD (without audio)
P. 21

Chapter One

                     DATA IS THE

                       NEW GOLD

              n this chapter, we will go over the new gold rush that
              is currently taking place. And, as with the well-known
           Ihistorical gold rush, only those who plan ahead of time
            and are early adopters of this new commodity will score
            big. However, scoring big comes at the expense of those

            who generate the gold. We’ll look at how we got here, the
            rapid growth of this new commodity, and who stands to
            In  today’s  information-based  economy, data  can be
            thought of as “digital gold.” From database to Big Data
            (extremely large data sets), from data pools (large data
            repository)  to data  lakes  (structured  and  unstructured
            data store), the data souces have exponentially evolved
            to terabytes  (a million  million  bytes)  and  petabytes  (a
            million gigabytes) of data. It is impossible for humans to
            analyze this much data without advanced technological
            and analytical tools such as AI.

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