Page 1 - NAGC20 Reimagined! Interactive Daily Newsletter - Sunday, November 15, 2020
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November 15, 2020

             “On The Other Side Of Fear Is Progress!”

                               Dr. Gilman Whiting                                                   Sunday

         “You are not powerless. Think about   The highlight of the afternoon was the

         what we can do, where our power      7  annual presentation of the Dr.                Featured Speakers
         lies, and what resources we can use."   Martin D. Jenkins Scholarship winners.

         This is the message Dr. Gilman       Six Black gifted middle- and high-school      Elizabeth Shaunessy-Dedrick,

         Whiting, Vanderbilt University,      students from Colorado, Florida, Texas,       University of S  outh Florida

         conveyed to attendees in his powerful  and Virginia were acknowledged and
         and thought-provoking presentation   celebrated for their achievements. Each
         to kick off Day 4 of #NAGC20,        of the students will receive a scholarship
         “Lessons Learned While Jumping       award including a complimentary
         From a Perfectly Good Airplane.” Dr.   registration to Purdue University’s
         Whiting reflected on his own personal   Gifted Education Resource Institute
         journey, and how working through     (GERI) Summer Program.
         fear would lead to something greater.
                                              Today is another packed day of learning

         He discussed his own reaction to     and events at #NAGC20. The morning            Shannon M. Suldo, University

         some presentations at past           will begin with featured speakers                   of South Florida

         conferences, and the role educators   Drs. Elizabeth Shaunessy-Dedrick and
         have in advancing equity and making   Shannon M. Suldo discussing “Teaching
         a difference in students’ lives. His   Teens a Superpower: How to Cope with
         personal story was a reminder and    Academic Stress Using Strategies that
         challenge for all of us. "We're missing   Co-occur with Happiness.”
         students at the beginning of the
         process: It was a teacher and coach   Additional highlights will include the

         that told me I had talent. Teachers: If   NAGC Business Meeting at 2:15 PM EST   Teaching Teens a Superpower: How
         you see something, say something."    and the annual Celebration of              to Cope with Academic Stress Using
                                              Excellence at 6:30 PM EST to recognize         Strategies that Co-occur with
         The highlight of the afternoon was   this year’s NAGC award winners.                       Happiness
                                                                                                 Location: Theater 1

         the 7  annual presentation of the Dr.                                                11:00 AM – 11:45 AM EST
         Martin D. Jenkins Scholarship        Don’t forget that exhibitors will be
         winners. Six Black gifted middle- and   available via video chat from 11:45 AM-      Exhibitor Marketplace

         high-school students from Colorado,   12:30 PM EST in the virtual expo hall. Be     11:45 AM – 12:30 PM EST
         Florida, Texas, and Virginia were    sure to visit the virtual photo booth
         acknowledged and celebrated for      during the Celebration of Excellence                  Lounges
         their achievements.                  Awards Ceremony at 6:30 PM EST!                11:45 AM – 6:00 PM EST

                                                                                            Breakout & Signature Sessions

           Honoring Giftedness in
          the Black Community:                                                                1:15 PM – 6:00 PM EST

                A Profile of                                                                 NAGC Business Meeting
            Dr. Martin D. Jenkins                                                              2:15 PM – 3:00 PM
                                                                                              On-Demand & Posters

                                                                                            Celebration of Excellence
                                                                                                Awards Ceremony
                                                                                              6:30 PM – 7:30 PM EST
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