Page 5 - NAGC21 Exhibitor & Sponsor Prospectus
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Attendee Profile

                                                                                                  NAGC21 | Nov 11-14 | Denver, CO

   More than 2,000 individuals                                                                      Attendees include:

   from around the world who
                                                                                                   Classroom Teachers
   are dedicated to

   supporting the                                          12%                                   District Administrators

   needs of gifted                                  RESEARCHERS                                     Gifted and Talented
                                                       FACULTY &
   and talented                                  6%  OTHER

                                                 2% PARENTS
   children attend                                                            80%                             College &

                                                                          K-12 TEACHERS &            University Faculty
   the NAGC                                                               ADMINISTRATORS

   Convention.                                                                                  Counselors and School

    “         I have been to 100+ education conferences as an                                         Gifted Education

              exhibitor. I have never, ever, seen anything like the
              level of enthusiasm I saw at the exhibit hall opening
              at NAGC. The level of passion and excitement NAGC
              attendees have towards vendors in the exhibit hall is                                          Parents of
              unlike anything I’ve ever seen. Exhibiting here is a no-                                  Gifted Children
              brainer for any organization looking to connect with
              educators and supporters of gifted children.        ”

              —Colin Seale, ThinkLaw


              #NAGC21 QUESTIONS? Please contact Denise Fumagalli at 301-200-4616 ext. 114 or | | #NAGC
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