Page 6 - NAGC21 Exhibitor & Sponsor Prospectus
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Past Exhibitor List

                                                                                                  NAGC21 | Nov 11-14 | Denver, CO

   AEOP Army Educational   Center for Talented Youth -   Executive Functioning   Kennedy Krieger Institute,   PA Publishing   Taylor & Francis Group
   Outreach Program       Johns Hopkins          Success                Department of Behavioral   Pearson            Teachergeek, Inc.
   ALEKS Corporation Allied   CodeBot Labs       FACEing MATH           Psychology             Pearson Learning       Texas Instruments
   Powers, LLC            College & Work Readiness   Feel Good, Inc.    Kentucky University    Assessments            thinkLaw
   Alpha+Excel Amazon     Assessment             Feynman School         Keystone Science School  Pieces of Learning
   Education              College at 12          Firia Labs             Kiss Institute for Practical   Pitsco Education  Thomas Geale Publications
   American Institute of   College of William and Mary,                 Robotics
   Mathematics            Center for Gifted Education  Fit to a Tee     Kiwi Kids Catalog      Poetry Project, The    Tin Man Press
   American Mensa         Colorado Association for   Fizzee Labs        Knowsys Test Prep      Program for the Exceptionally   Tomorrow’s Dreams
                                                                                               Gifted – Mary Baldwin
   Anatomy in Clay Learning   Gifted and Talented ( CAGT)   Florida Institute of   Laurel Springs School  University  Transatlantic Outreach
   System and PowerPlay   Colorado Courseware    Technology                                                           Program/Goethe-Institute
   Strategies Inc.        Compass Learning       Forman School          Lead2Feed Student      Progressive Mastery Learning   Truman Institute at Truman
                                                                        Leadership Program
   Arizona State University                      Fox Imaging                                   Project Exploration, LLC   State University
   Online                 Concordia Language Villages   Free Spirit Publishing   Learning      Prufrock Press, Inc.   University of Alabama
   Arizona State University –   Connecticut Public   Friedrichs Education   LEGO Education North   Purdue University / GER2I  University of Central
   Access ASU             Connections Academy    Frog Publications      America                Regis University College for   Arkansas
   Arkansas at Little Rock  Connections Learning by   Future Problem Solving   Level Up Village  Professional         University of Cincinnati
   Art in History Inc.    Pearson                International          LifeBound              Renzulli Learning, LLC—a   University of CO, Colorado
   Art of Problem Solving  CountFast             Games by Absolute Zero/Be   Lintor Make-A-Book, Inc.   Division of Compass   Springs
                                                                                               Riverside Publishing
   Asia Pacific Conference on   Creative Learning Press  Amaysing LLC   Logan School for Creative                     University of CT, Renzulli
   Giftedness             Crow Canyon Archaeological   Gamestar Mechanic  Learning, The        Riverside Insights     Center
   Astrocamp              Center                 Gary K. Herberger Young   Looney Labs         RJB/Albert’s Insomnia   University of CT Neag Center
                                                                                                                      for Gifted Education and
   A.W Peller/Bright Ideas  CTB/McGraw Hill      Scholars Academy       Love Publishing Company   ROBOTLAB            Talent Development
   Ball State Center for Gifted   Culver Academies  Genius Coaching     M Folz                 Ross School            University of Denver /
   Studies                Daimon Institute for the   Madison REACH Program   Routledge        Morgridge College
   Bard Academy at Simon’s   Highly Gifted and Powerplay   Gifted Unlimited, LLC   Marie’s Words Inc   Royal Fireworks Publishing   University of Hawaii at Hilo –
   Rock                   Strategies             Gigamic                Marygrove College      Co., Inc.              Hawaii EDventure
   Bard College at Simon’s Rock   DataWerks Limited  Gold Co            Math Olympiads/MOEMS   Saint Joseph’s University   University of Iowa
   Barstow School         Davidson Institute for Talent   Grand Canyon University   MathTwister, LLC   Online Degree Programs  University of Missouri Online
   Beacon Educator        DBQ Project            Grayson School, The    McCallie School        Scholars Program       Gifted Programs
   Belin-Blank Center                                                   Meet Minneapolis       Scholastic Testing Services,   University of Northern
   Beyond the Blackboard  Demme Learning         Great Books Foundation   Meridian Stories     Inc.                   Colorado
                                                                                               School Technology Resources
                          Desert Community Robotics
   Bia-Maranatha Bilingual                       Great Potential Press  MHS                                           University of Oregon Summer
   Books                  Destination ImagiNation, Inc.   GT Ignite                            School Tours of America   Enrichment
   Blue Orange Games      Development Center     Handwriting Without Tears   Michaelson Lab – University   School Year Abroad   University of Virginia
                                                                        of Iowa
                          DGP Publishing
   Borenson and Associates, Inc.   Diligence and Delight   Hickory Grove Press  Midtown International School   ScienceBuzz  Usborne Books & More
   Botball Educational Robotics   Learning Center (DDC)  Hoosier Academies (K12, Inc.)   Milwaukee Public School  Sea Camp  US Space and Rocket Center
   Bridges Academy        Dinah-Might Adventures, LP  HMH Houghton Mifflin   Mind Vine Press   SENG Supporting Emotional   UW Robinson Center for
                                                                                               Needs of the Gifted
                                                                                                                      Young Scholars
   Bridges Graduate School   Discovery Student                          Mindworx Educational
   of Cognitive Diversity in   Adventures        Hybrid Learning Program at   Services         Sequoia Choice – Arizona   Venture Pearls & Sculpture
   Education, The                                the Barstow School                            Distance Learning      Virtual Learning Academy
   Bright Ideas Catalog/A.W.   Discovery Toys    iD Tech Camps          Mirman School          Set Enterprises, Inc.  Charter School
   Peller & Assoc.        Disney Theatrical Licensing   IDGE            Montclair State University   Shattuck-St. Mary’s School   Volare Leadership
   Broomfield Academy Bureau   Disney Youth Programs   IMACS INI LLC    My Own New Biz         SimplyFun              Walking Classroom, The
   Talent                 Disney’s Lion King Experience  InspirED Educators   Nathan Levy Books LLC   SoulSpark       West Love
   By Kids for Kids, Co   Drake University School of   Interact/Storypath  National Beta Club  Southern Science Supply  West Virginia University
   Byrdseed               Education              Interlochen Center for the   National Inventors Hall of   Space Camp & Aviation   Whittaker’s
   Cambridge Educational   Duke TIP              Arts                   Fame/ Camp Invention   Challenge              Whitworth University
   Services               EAI Education          International Baccalaureate   Nexus Academy of   Speed Stacks, Inc.  Wholemovement
   Camp Invention         Early College at Mary Baldwin  Americas       Indianapolis           Spy Alley Partners, LLP   William & Mary Center for            East Baton Rouge Parish   International Connections   New Mexico Association for   Stanford EPGY  Gifted Education
   Capitol College        School System          Academy                the Gifted             Stanford Pre Collegiate   Wisconsin Center for
   Capitol Debate         eCybermission          Invent Now / Camp Invention  New Mexico Highlands   Studies          Academically Talented Youth
   CCIS Travel/ Discover   Education/Ricks Center for   Jack Kent Cooke Foundation  NOAA       Stargate School ‘The Gifted   UW - Madison
   Student Travel         Gifted Education       Jodie Mahony Center for                       Solution’              WordMasters
   CEC-TAG                Educational Tours      Gifted Education, UALR  Northwestern University   Summer Discovery   World Council for Gifted and
                                                                        Oak Crest Academy
   Center for Bright      Edgenuity              Johns Hopkins University                      Summer Institute for the   Talented Children WCGTC
   Kids, Academic Talent   Elon University       Center for Talented Youth   Oak Meadow        Gifted                 YMIR, Inc/
   Development Center     Engine-Uity, Ltd.      JHU CTY                Odyssey of the Mind    Super Duper Publications   The Ultimate Puzzle You Can
   Center for Gifted Studies,   Equal Exchange Fundraising  Jonathan’s Jewels Juice Plus  Once Upon a Mind   Sycamore School  Do The Rubik’s Cube
   Western Kentucky       ERB-Educational Records   K12 Inc. / Colorado Virtual   Options for College   Talented & Gifted Texas A&M   Zometool, Inc
   University Center for Talent   Bureau         Academy                Otto Trading Inc
   Development Northwestern                      Kendall Hunt Publishing                       Talents Unlimited
   University                                    Company                Oxford Academy, The    Tangible Play Inc.
              #NAGC21 QUESTIONS? Please contact Denise Fumagalli at 301-200-4616 ext. 114 or | | #NAGC
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