Page 25 - faculty manual 2020-2021
P. 25

 Usually unable to formulate an           Usually handles major problem; may   Formulates assessment of major                         Consistently able to formulate               Not
                           assessment of basic medical               not integrate all aspects (H&P, labs,           problem; may have trouble                    assessment of basic problems; also            observed
                           problems.                                 rx); suggests elemental understanding.          identifying/prioritizing multiple            can prioritize multiple problems.

                           Ward/Clinic/Other Assigned Duties (orders, follow-up of tests):

                            Not regularly involved in                Involved in ward/clinic duties but             Active team member; takes                   Takes patient responsibility;                 Not
                           ward/clinic management.                   usually passive; follows direction of           significant responsibility for patient       comfortably evaluates/manages                 observed

                                                                     others.                                         management.                                  multiple patients.

                           Procedural Skills:

                            Struggles with procedural                Adequate skills for simple                     Competent basic procedural skills.          Adept procedural skills both basic            Not
                           skills; no effort to improve.             procedures; makes effort and is                 Improving advanced skills.                   and advanced.                                 observed


                           Record Keeping (Initial Work Up, Interval/Progress Notes):

                            Incomplete or erroneous.                 Includes basic information; rarely             Accurate data included with                 Accurate, thorough, and succinct             Not
                                                                     analyzes new data/ impact on patient            ongoing assessments of basic                 (intern level).                               observed
                                                                     management.                                     problems.

                                                                                                          PROFESSIONAL ATTITUDES

                              Not-yet competent (1 pt.)               Developing (3.5 pts)                            Competent (4 pts)                            Exemplary (5 pts)


                               Unreliable, often absent or            Fulfills basic responsibilities; little        Dependable team player and                  Dependable; highly committed to              Not
                              late; commitment uncertain.             dedication or commitment to patient             deliverer of patient care.                   and enjoys clinical care.                    observed

                                                                                      23                                                                                           Last updated 8/25/2020
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