Page 20 - faculty manual 2020-2021
P. 20
requirement, clearly contact, doesn't run
practiced) over allotted time
Analysis of group Clearly articulates Discusses only two of Does not articulate any of
process and what worked well and the three; discusses the three – what worked
individual role why, what did not group without well and why, what didn't
within it work well and why, discussing self; work well and why, how to
and ways to increase discusses self without improve
effectiveness and discussing group
efficiency of group
process in the future,
considering self as
well as others
*Faculty members should ensure that the assignment has at least five (5) dimensions that the students
must analyses. These dimension may vary according to topic, course etc.
Grading Rubric for Assignment
Dimension Exemplary Competent Needs Work
Introduction Position and Position is clearly Position is vague.
exceptions, if any, are stated. Organization of Organization of
clearly stated. argument is clear in argument is missing,
Organization of the parts or only partially vague, or not
argument is completely described and mostly consistently
and clearly outlined and implemented. 2-3 pts maintained.
implemented. 4-5 pts
0-1 pts
Research Research selected is Research is relevant to Research selected is not
highly relevant to the the argument and is relevant to the
argument, is presented mostly accurate and argument or is vague
accurately and complete – there are and incomplete –
completely – the some unclear components are
method, results, and components or some missing or inaccurate or
implications are all minor errors in the unclear. Theory is not
presented accurately; method, results or relevant or only
Theory is relevant, implications. Theory is relevant for some
accurately described relevant and accurately aspects; theory is not
and all relevant described, some clearly articulated
components are components may not be and/or has incorrect or
included; relationship present or are unclear. incomplete
between research and Connection to theory is components.
19 Last updated 8/25/2020