Page 18 - faculty manual 2020-2021
P. 18

when prompted
                                Fully discusses the   Adequately         Discusses minor     Doesn't discuss
                                major implications   discusses some of   implications        the implications
                 Implications    of the argument or   the major          (missing the major   of the argument
                                position             implications of the   ones) OR does not   or position
                                                     position            discuss major
                                There is logic in the   There are a few   Ideas are somewhat   Ideas are
                                progression of ideas   areas of          disjointed and/or do  disjointed
                 Structure                           disjointedness or   not always flow     and/or do not
                                                     intermittent lack of   logically, making it   flow logically,
                                                     logical progression   a bit difficult to   hence argument
                                                     of ideas            follow              is very difficult
                                                                                             to follow
                                Did not have to      Prompted            Prompted a lot (a
                 Prompting      prompt with probing  minimally (one or   series of probing
                                questions at all     two probing         questions)

               Grading Rubric for Group Presentation
                                          (3 points each)         Competent            Not Yet Competent

                                                                (2 points each)          (1 point each)


                Quality (e.g. use of   Information is       Information is mostly   Information is unreliable
                varied sources,       accurate; resources are  accurate with only a   and/or inaccurate; resources
                evaluated and         legitimate; resources   few minor errors; one   are not valid
                validated sources,    are varied when       resource may be
                accurate              appropriate           questionable;
                information)                                resources good but not
                                                            varied enough

                *Broad spectrum of    Includes all five     Includes four of the   Includes three or less
                information (e.g. on   dimensions           five dimensions        dimensions
                public health, basic
                sciences knowledge,
                clinical skills, social
                sciences, clinical
                research dimensions)

                Content of

               17                                                                      Last updated 8/25/2020
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