Page 12 - CASA Bulletin 2022, 9(6) 增刊
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CASA Bulletin of Anesthesiology

                                      CASA 前会长访谈录-刘恒意前会长

                                                1.   您在哪年做的会长?期间最大的挑战/成绩是什么?在哪里

                                                    2013,年会:San Francisco, California
                                                    Challenges: ICAA established in 2012, very popular and
                                                very hot in China。 Most academically active CASA members
                                                joined ICAA. ICAA sponsored very successful annual
                                                meetings and academic programs.  CASA was in its nadir at
                                                the end of 2012 and in early 2013

                我在 CASA 最危难的时候接任会长。

                    Work summary in 2013 (Red-highlighted are new projects)
                    A.  We restructured CASA infrastructure
                    B.  Started monthly President’s messages
                    C.  CASA organized several delegations to China
                           1). CAA meeting in April in Harbin
                          2). 西安中国青年麻醉医师论坛

                          3). 长江流域 13 省市麻醉学会议
                          4). CASA 中国边远省份麻醉学讲学团
                          5). CSA meeting in Tianjin

                    D.  CASA and Mindray signed a sponsorship agreement:迈瑞的支持,为 CASA 2013-
                2015 年的活动提供非常大的帮助。
                    E.  CASA organized meetings in USA: SCA meeting in Miami, ASA meeting San
                Francisco, PGA meeting in New York
                    F.  CASA Mindray Cup Golf Tournament
                    G.  CASA WeChat Group (CASA 美国华人麻醉医师微信群)
                    H.  I named CASA Bulletin of Anesthesiology in 2014
                2.    您认为几十年来麻醉最大的改变/进步是什么?您对未来的预期/发展

                    80 年代 ETCO2 和 SpO2 监测
                    90 年代 Propofol,Sevoflurane, Desflurane 引入临床麻醉,TEE 开始普及
                    2000 年代 TEE 大规模普及,可视喉镜大规模使用
                    2010 年代 Ultrasound 大规模用于临床麻醉

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